Monday, May 25, 2015

Munich Germany Week 1

Hi everyone!

Well this week has been a great first week in my new area! I really love working in Munich I must say! It is a really amazing city! I must also say that I'm really enjoying working in the office! I did not think that I would like it as much as I do! 

So as far as office work goes, Elder Evans my comp and I are in charge of the money and travel tickets for all of the missionaries! We have some other responsibility but those are the big ones! Our mission has a lot of missionaries and is HUGE so it can be a lot of work! We are been really busy this week especially because it is transfer week next week! That means that we have to make this huge transfer map with all the missionaries that are getting transfered to a new area. We then have to plan all the travel for them like which train to take, time and all that stuff. There are 250 missionaries in the mission right now so it is a lot of work! that had taken most of the time from us this week! That being said, we have a good amount of time to go outside and do normal missionary work! We have some really cool investigators right now that we are working with so we are busy with that as well!

Our ward is super cool as well! We serve in the international ward which is awesome! There are a lot of Americans and people from all over the world that are here with there families for work. That makes up most of the people. there are also a lot of new members that live here that are from African and speak only English that come to our ward. it is really different but really cool! I get to give my first talk in church tomorrow so that should be fun! I will let you know how it goes!

i have not seen toooo much of Munich yet but we are going to go look around the city right now and go shopping and stuff like that! i will take some cool pics and send them home tonight when we get back!

Have a great week everyone! I hope to hear from you all soon!

Elder Lyman

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